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keepin my rat clean

21 17:59:33

hi my name is tayla and i have had alot of hamsters in the past but now i have got a rat named Tokyo, and he kinda  smells and his fur looks oily and yellow is there any way that i can clean his coat like a type of bath i know that most rats dont like water so what shold i do? thank you for taking your time to read this have a nice day!

Moat of the time, you'll never have to bathe your rat as they keep themselves pretty clean. However, if they're sick or just got into something messy, it can be necessary. Fill up your bathtub with about an inch of lukewarm water (less if he's small). Take a cup and gently pour small amounts of water over him until he's wet. Then take a small drop of baby shampoo (tear-free) and rub it into his fur. Rinse him off using the above technique and then wrap him in a towel or rag to comfort him and get the excess water off. After that, keep him somewhere warm and dry as he dries off.