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My boys are dying

21 17:10:07

Hi Sandra,
I was recently been given 2 friendly male rats that have since died, one was about 2 years old rather large and the other was about 10 months old and slim build. My partner works in a pet store and could not bare to see these 2 boy's go for snake food so we bought them home. We already had 2 young adult female rats, my precious girls, and are a bit worried that with the brief encounters they have had may they also die. The big rat died 1 week after bringing him home so we got a baby male friend to keep Slim company. it is amazing to me how close these 2 got too each other in such a short time, both seemingly needing company. Unfortunately the second original male (Slim) also died today after not eating very much he just got thinner and died( also seemed to be breathing a bit rough over the last week ). Could these 2 original rats be carrying some disease and affect new healthy male and my 2 girls. We were planing on breeding these rats for pets as there seems to be a short supply of dark rats available here on the gold coast of Australia. You have been very help full in the past with another Girl we had so I am very eager to hear what you have to say on this matter. Not many people it would seem appreciate or realise how these little creatures can impact on our lives, I have had dogs and cats die before too and this is certainly no less upsetting. I think it stinks how short a time these rodents live for. I'm sure the vet I took my last female rat too a year ago was amazed at just how upset we were both at having to put her down.
We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for any advice given.

Kind Regards Paul


Hi Paul

I am very sorry to hear about your loss.

It seems to me that the boys were plaque from the start. More than likely it was a nasty infection that stemmed from mycoplasmosis. I am sure by now I have told you to visit my site,  and i am going to suggest you go there again and read up on mycoplasmosis, lung and heart disease.
What you also should read up on is quarantine. You are worried already about the exposure that they had to the other rats but if you   did three week quarantine you would have known the new boys were ill before letting them near the existing rats.  

Anyhow, please read over mycplasmosis so you have a better idea of how it works on our rats and what to look for.  Let me know when  your done and we can go from there.