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Rats and shiitake mushrooms

21 17:54:35

Hello Sandra, I came across an article that says shiitake mushrooms can dramatically boost our immune system would that be the same if I feed my rats mushrooms, would it be alright for them to eat it? Thanks very much.

Hi Phoebe  (Love your name! ;-)

I even give it to my hermit crabs (organic) and the funky little critters tote them to their hidey huts and munch away.
I have no scientific evidence to support any claims that shiitake mushrooms will help with the rats immune system but no warnings to say not to use them, either. As a matter of fact, scientists are claiming that there is evidence that these mushrooms also have anti-cancer abilities as well!

With proper husbandry (clean cage, litter, bedding) and a diet low in protein and low in fats, something that has claims that it can boost the immune system would be an added benefit to the rats diet. I say go for it.