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brothers getting along?

21 17:54:52

Back in early December I acquired 2 sweet little brothers Snoopy & Charlie Brown, they were actually smaller than I've had them before, but growing quickly. Although I don't know all about rats I'm learning & have loved rats for as long as I remember. My question is I know they're very social creatures & love being in groups or at least pairs, I have 2 brothers though. Can they live happily together being both males? I do know even when we had sisters together they wrestled, should I be concerned with boys? Will they fight terribly as they get older or is this just something they do?
                   Thanks RatMama.

Yes they will get along wonderfully.  It is male mice that do not get along and sometimes fight to the death

Male rats may play wrestle chase each other etc...but they are sweet and loving just the same and will bond a very strong bond with their cagemates, brothers or not.

Hope this helps