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allergic to my rats :(

21 17:34:38

I have had pet rats since i was about 15 and seem to be allergic to them. With my first rat I only had symptoms every now and again when I had him out but with my new rats it is all the time, even if I just pick them up. I get hayfever like symptoms, itchy runny eyes, blocked up runny nose and sneezing. Also if they scratch me when I bath them for example the scratch wells up and get's itchy so I think possibly this could be due to an allergy to their urine perhaps? Is there a particular breed of rat which is less likely to produce an allergic reaction or anything I can do? I have tried washing their feet when I get them out and it doesn't help my eyes and nose symptoms. I would really appreciate any advice as I love playing with them and letting them run around my room. Many Thanks

Yep your allergic all right, like so many other people are too. Its upsetting to fall in love with them and lo and behold, your allergic to them!!

IT is indeed the urine too, like you said. Its the protein contents in the rats urine that causes localized reactions on your skin. If my rats have super sharp nails, usually as babies, they cut my skin (I cant see or really feel it of course) and even the dried urine they may have on their own feet get into the cuts on my skin and I welt up like crazy!  Once the rats get older and their nails file down just from every day life, I seem to be ok and dont have that problem as much unless they freak out if they see or hear something that scares them and they scratch me by accident.  I will welt up when that happens too.

I wash up and apply cortisone cream and that helps.  I do not have any reactions like you do such as sneezing, itchy and watery eyes etc...  Some people have flu like symptoms and cannot own the rats any longer because they become so miserable.

Are you allergic to any other animals such as dog, cats, rabbits etc??  

You can try wearing a mask around your nose and mouth and wear long sleeves and dont touch your face with your hands till you wash up.

Can you take allergy medication or does it make you all sleepy and yucky?  I hate allergy meds for that very reason.

Washing their feet is a good idea in order to prevent localized rashes but like you said, it doesnt help the other signs.  

I am going to do some reading up on this. I have some other info I can read and I will let you know what else you can do, if anything, in order to be comfortable.  You sure dont want to be miserable and I know you hate to think you may need to find a new home for them, but your health is important too.  Hang in there!