Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Sticky hair on rats back

Sticky hair on rats back

21 17:26:16

QUESTION: Hi, our pet male fancy rat, Jesse, has a patch of sticky, oily hair in the middle of his back. I've looked and can't see a wound or anything abnormal underneath it, but today when we were looking the hair came out very easily, without Jesse even flinching. He is otherwise very healthy and doesn't seem too concerned by the odd hair himself. Thanks very much for your time, it is really appreciated. Grace.

ANSWER: Sounds like he has active oil glands in that area.  Wipe it down with some unscented baby wipes and keep the skin clean in that area.  

Does he itch and scratch alot?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I suppose he does scratch a bit, but I thought all rats did? He certainly doesn't scratch all the time or anything. Is it anything we should be worried about?
Thanks again!

All rats, dogs, cats, even humans tend to scratch a bit, some more than others.

I dont think you should be worried about anything.  I do think its just over active oil glands.  If he were scratching like crazy to the point of having sores all over etc...that is a different story.

However, lets be sure here and go over his diet.  What does he eat the most of on a daily basis?