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Rat has been spastic, now is leaning to his right, almost sideways

21 17:42:53

I have two male rats; Hairless and dumbo. I purchased both from PetSmart, both at the same time. The Hairless has always been the aggressive and spastic one; I just thought that was his personality. When I took him out today I realized he was leaning to his right. His head is definitely leaning to the right. Sometimes he'll want to lean to the right so much it's as if he's trying to spin on his back. At times he'll run in clockwise circles as if he's chasing his tail. He is in no pain but I'm worried it will only get worse.

Hi Russ

It sounds like your rat may have head tilt!! This can cause the running in circles as well as leaning to one side.  What occurs is the inflammation causes pressure on the eighth cranial nerve which is what controls balance. When there is infection in the middle or inner ear this will cause them to be off balance due to the pressure from the inflammation from infection.  Treatment consists of strong antibiotics taken for at least 14 days along with a round of steroids and after that, NSAIDS to control inflammation. The infection goes away fast once treated but the signs of head tilt and walking or spinning in circles takes longer to go away.  Some vets that are not educated will enough in rat care will think they rat has a tumor on the brain but this is NOT the case.  They think this if the rat doesnt respond fast to treatment.  The way to know the difference between the ear infection or brain tumor is to notice signs of a dying rat such as they cannot walk, move front paws to hold food or use back legs etc.... and they cannot chew or suck because they lose that motor skill.  He doesn't seem to be displaying those other signs according to your message so do not let the vet scare you thinking it is something like a brain tumor.
CHeck out my website for info and photos of rats with head tilt.