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my sik rat

21 17:54:04

Hi, my female rat is only about five months old. It was completly fine
yesterday but today, it can't move and it will not open its eyes very wide. And
its feet and ears have gone very pale. She won't eat or drnk at all. I think she
is lying down because she is very weak. I dont know what to do. Is she dying?
Does she have a cold? please answer my question!!!!!!!!!!

THank you!!!!!!

Hi Alina

Rats dont get colds, but she sounds very sick. If her ears and feet are pale thats a bad sign and she needs to see a vet right away. You can find a vet on Sunday at an ER vet clinic so you should take her in. Mean time, get her warm even if you have to carry her around in a little blanket, and keep her warm. Try to get her to drink by using a syringe and put it in the side of her mouth and slowly squirt a little at a time in her mouth so she doesnt choke. Is she breathing  heavy and fast???

Please let me know right away if she is breathing heavy and fast...

hang in there and be calm for her sake. I know its scary but dont let her know your scared or she can pick up on that.