Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > lump on her right leg

lump on her right leg

21 17:46:07


I have a 2yr old rat called Boo Boo. A month ago i noticed she had a tiny lump or bump on her thigh, you cant move it freely, its solid, looks like a tiny wart to me, it hasnt changed shape/size/colour and Boo Boo is in no pain and has not shown any symptom of viruses or illness. The wart is so small about 2mm wide and you have to dig into her hair to feel it.

Can rats get harmless growths? i know my dog has one on her shoulder, it just appeared there a few years ago and its still there today.

ANSWER: Hi Kerry

Yes, they can develop little sebaceous cysts, but they are not as common as mammary tumors or abscesses. Is this on the outer thigh or inner thigh?

Has it ever drained any pus or had a scab on it before?

Has it grown at all over the past month?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Nothing has come out, no scabs, and has not changed in size or shape. It felt like one or her nipples but its on the outside of her thigh.

I wouldnt worry about it if it isnt growing or changing. It is probably either a sebaceous cyst or possibly just a small growth from hormones.

If it changes shape or color, you can either reach me back here again or see a vet, but at this point, based on your description, I think its just a benign little growth and nothing to worry about.