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My Baby Rat

21 17:47:26

Dear Sandra,

So, i rescued a bay rat a few days ago from being starved in a tank, as it was supposed to be food for a snake and the snake wouldn't eat it. I have two full grown rats at home, but this lil guy is only two, at the most three, weeks old. I have been giving him soy formula, and he was diagnosed today with a respiratory infection. i couldn't pick up the antibiotics today and now my rat is squeaking alot and constantly washing his face. what is going on?! please help I'm really worried. Thanks

The baby is that young?  Are its eyes open? Did the vet see this little rat and diagnose the respiratory infection?  What type of meds did the vet prescribe for such a tiny young rat?  They can only handle a few if he is that young.  
If he is doing that while washing his face he may be having problems with congestion and that is why he keeps washing his face, in attempts to clear his nasal passages.

What are his symptoms?