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Sneezing baby

21 17:11:36


About a month ago I bought two baby rats as pets. I have friends with pet rats who helped make sure I got the correct bedding for my girls (recycled paper pellets, much like Yesterday's News). It is the same bedding that they were using at the pet shop I got them from.

Since day one, Pip, the smallest of the two, has been a sneezer. To begin with I thought nothing of it, as I know that they have sensitive noses and assumed that she was just getting used to her new surroundings. As it has been almost a month now, I am beginning to wonder if there is something wrong. She has had porphyrin around her nose once or twice, but never around her eyes. I have read that this can result from a long sleep as well as stress, Myco, and just from sneezing. She keeps herself very clean and is a very happy, playful and hungry little rat.

I would like to know what you could suggest would be causing this, and what I can do about it - I am taking her to the vet next week and getting checked for Myco or any other health issues, but would like an opinion on what it might be before I do this.

I also wonder if maybe she is sensitive to the bedding - to eliminate this I would like to litter train my girls, change the main bedding of the cage to a liner and put a litter tray in for them to use. How would I go about litter training them?

Thank you,


Please refer to my website, and refer to my page on myco. Not all sneezing is related to illness, although lately I have been seeing alot of baby rats have the start of myco.  Do you know what she was kept on at the pet store?

Also, check out my page on how to litter train rats. It is simple but does require patience and dont expect them to be perfect. SOme rats use the litter pan for both, others use it only for poop and others use it for poop and pee, but may still pee to bed too.  It depends. However, the most important thing is, they will use it 75% of the  time if not more.  

Also, learn the proper way to treat myco. Trust me, not all vets know how to treat it and its vital it is done right in order to prevent your rat from living a life of chronic lung disease.