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stray rat

21 17:46:58

We have a barn and 2 horses andabout 6 days ago a black and white rat showed up and has made a home for himself in the wall. He eats the grain the horses do not finish and we also give him fruit, bread and leftovers. My question is: can a wild rat be black and white (white body-black head).We are starting to worry about him. Would he be better off if we brought him into the house and made him a pet? We would be happy to do that but we dont want to do that if he is wild. Appreciate any input!

It's impossible for a real wild rat to be black and white. More than likely he was a stray, a feeder someone 'lost' or set loose. You can catch him using a live trap, but don't be surprised if he's a little insane for awhile. They CAN be tamed down again though - I've done it!