Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > my rats wont bond with me

my rats wont bond with me

21 17:33:51

Please help i am at a total loss at what to do with my 2 boys! I have had them a month now and they were nearly 6 months old when we had them, so quite old! We had them from a really good pet shop that handled them every day however they hate been handled by me and my partner! It seems to really freak them out and they tend to jump to get away from us and i am really scared they are going to hurt themselves. Saying this they are not at all scared of us... they will quite happily take food from us and when i put my hand in the cage to clean them they quite happily ignore me or come up to sniff me! They are not keen on been stroked either, again this seems to freak them out. I have thought that maybe they are the sort of Rats that don't enjoy affection however over the last week or so they won't even come out of the cage anymore! They will come to the cage door at play time but unless there is food there they just scurry back into a corner to sleep. No amount of coaxing with food will make them come out! Even with lots of toys available for them to play with they seem totally uninterested! Please help... i don't want to feel like a giant hand that just feeds them at the door! I want them to enjoy themselves and play with us! Thanks

You need to set up a play area for them.  Check out my website here and scroll down to see the cardboard play wall that you can construct.

Once you get that going and make a play area, you can coax them out of the cage with food.  usually baby food on a little spoon. Once they get a taste of that, they will realize it is YOU that the food is coming from, and this helps them trust you more. Most baby rats dont really like to sit still and be stroked unless they are sleepy. They want to  run run run and go go go at least till they are 6 months old or so.

When they do come out, where do they play?