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rat seroma

21 17:46:22

after a lump removal, My rat peach developed a seroma, which burst in the space of 24 hours. she now has a open wound of about 1cm. when i took her to the vet she said if it got any bigger she would need to be anthetised and  a stitch putting in. however as peach also has myco, there is a high risk in doing this. is there anything i can be doing to ensure the wound doesnt get infected or split any further so we can avoid surgery? she is currently on baytril and metacam but has gone off her food so am struggling to get the medication into her

Thanks belle

 Well the Baytril should help out her myco and will help prevent the wound from being infected by certain bacterias.  If the wound gets worse your vet may have to add a second broad-spectrum antibiotic to help get rid of some other bacteria that Baytril doesn't cover.  The Metacam will help with the pain so hopefully she won't pick at it and make it worse herself.

 To help avoid infection, change her bedding to towels or polar fleece so no little particles of bedding will get caught in the wound.  You'll have to change the bedding daily to keep urine and feces away from her wound.  I would ask your vet if you should scrub it or at least the area around it with a surgical-grade antibiotic scrub; it will help to prevent bacteria from making it into the wound.  If she thinks that is a good idea she can probably give you a little bottle.

 To entice her to eat, try liquidy foods such as baby food.  When rats are feeling ill they would much rather lick than gnaw and it may help her to eat.  You can also pick up some NutriCal from your vet, it is a toothpaste-like tube of a high calorie paste which rats love the taste of and may help get her to eat.

 Well I hope your little girl gets better soon, keep me updated on her condition if you would =)  Good luck!