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Rat Living space/ Post-Surgery

21 17:09:02

I have 2 rat sisters , Amelia and Bunny, that I adopted 11 months ago. I previously owned 2 rats but never really knew anything about them. I decided to do some research after noticing a tumor that was growing rapidly under Amelia's left arm. I looked up the costs of getting it removed and went ahead and took her to the vet.

The guy that checked her out seemed to be very knowledgeable so I was pretty convinced he knew what he was doing.  When she came home I placed her in a cat carrier with a blanket so that she could sleep for the day away from Bunny.  

The stitches are 2 1/2in. along her side. There are internal ones of course but there are ones on the outside as well that aren't hidden or glued to her. The ones on the outside are pokey and just tired in knots. They don't seem like the right option for closing her up because they look bothersome and easy to come out if pulled enough. Amelia ignores them most of the time but once in awhile I'll catch her messing with them trying to clean them or itching to close.

I check them many times a day to make sure there intact but I just noticed today that some of them are coming untied, probably from cleaning herself and when Bunny yanked them. Is there something I can do to keep Amelia from potentially pulling them all out before she heals????

I swabbed a little Bactine around her stitches to keep it clean. I want to make sure she doesn't get infection but I'm not sure if the Bactine is safe for cleaning them..? Is there a safer way to clean them???

I also wanted to make sure she gets play time with her sister but when I put them together Bunny goes straight for her stitches and yanks them. I tried again today and the same thing happened so I'm leaving them apart in separate cages until the stitches are out. I do let them see each other for a short time a day. Is it bad to keep them apart like this??? I really don't have many other options.

I discovered while searching the web that soft wood shavings are very bad for rats...I had no idea! I've been using wood shavings every since I got them. I already put a lot of money into Amelia's surgery and I can't spend to much money on their bedding. What are some cheaper ideas for safe bedding???

I have so many questions but for now these are the most important ones I need help with!!! I really really appreciate any answers. I'm hoping to learn more about rats and make mine healthier :)


You can read all about post op recovery and what to expect, including complications, just by going to my site,  

As for as safe bedding, yesterdays news is great but the trick is to get it in the cat litter section. The bag that says UNSCENTED is what to buy. Its cheaper if you buy it through the cat section. What they do is package the same exact thing but sell it as ferret litter or hamster litter etc..

Anyhow please let me know after you go over my site. I am certain you may even find some answers to questions you may have but havent even ased ebogore.