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back foot injury

21 17:06:08

Hey there,
My rat is 7mos old and she was playing on the couch with us
and her sister and about 15minutes ago, she started limping
and not putting any weight on her right back foot. I think
she sprained it because it is not swollen. Her behavior is
still the same (funny, hyper, and very lickey!) but it kills
me to see her in pain. When i touch the foot she doesn't
squeak or pull it away. Any advice would be GREAT.

Chances are the rat is feeling better, but if not, let me know. I have been sick with the flu and got super behind on answering questions.

If she is still limping, you can keep her in a very small cage so she cannot really get around much. Doing this allows her foot to heal.  Let me know, please, how she is and forgive me for not getting with you sooner.  Also rather than having her on the couch playing, its a good idea to make a place for her to play that is all her own.  Check out my site, and refer to the page, Getting started. THere are ideas on how to create rat safe play areas.