Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Very bad rat cyst :(

Very bad rat cyst :(

21 17:22:23

My female rat "mouse" of nearly 2 years has developed a growth under her ear. Much like others I've tried draining it different ways with heat and a squeezing motion. It only drained once quite awhile ago, and has since just gotten worse. It now won't drain from any location except from inside of her poor ear. I've tried gently to make an opening on the outside for it to drain but it's so incredibly tough I can't pierce the skin, and being so close to her face I can't bare apply the needed force to cut it, which I don't believe I should be doing anyway. Her eye is swollen and she will not eat or even drink much liquid, she's very skinny and "lethargic" as people describe it. Is there anything I can do for her?  its just this happened rather suddenly, yesterday she was fine. I've known something like this might happen though, she has another growth on her lower belly that's very purple and bumpy, but with all the worry with her face there wasn't much to do. From the sounds of information I've found so far it doesn't look good, at this point I'm not sure if she'll make it through the night. Thank you for your time. I just want to make her as comfortable as possible.


This is not a cyst. This is a tumor and from what it sounds like, it is a zymbals gland tumor.

Please see the photos on my site. Scroll down past the other photos of rats with tumors etc....until you see the information on zymbals gland tumors.  While not every case is the same, from what your describing, it appears your rat has something like this.
What steps has the vet taken to help her? Although if it is what I am assuming it is, there is nothing to do for it other than to keep her comfortable and to prevent infection by using strong broad spectrum antibiotics.  What does she weigh? Is she able to move her jaw etc...?

let me know after you view my website: