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My Rats: Rizzo & Gonzo~!

21 17:47:24

I live in Sarnia, Ontario Canada. Do you know of any Vets around this area that cut Rats Teeth? When should it be done and can I be taught to do this procedure? My # is: 519-813-9138
Thank you for reading my letter~!

Hi Sue

First off, is there something wrong with the rats teeth that you need to have them clipped? Are they growing crooked? Normally you do not need to have the rats teeth clipped unless something is wrong.

Usually rats do not need their teeth clipped unless they suffer from a condition called MALOCCLUSION. This is when their jaw is misaligned and the natural grinding they do during eating and bruxing keeps their teeth from filing down and they start to grow crooked.  No amount of chew toys will help this since the jaw is misaligned the teeth will not meet and grind down during chewing so this is when the vet needs to be seen.

However, just for a normal clipping, this is not usually necessary.
As I said above, when a rat eats, (and their teeth are aligned properly) the chewing motion grinds their teeth down naturally, and also, when they brux, this is one great way they grind their teeth down.

Here is more info on rat teeth with some funny pictures of yellow toofers our ratties have naturally:)

Second, I do not advise anyone to clip them at all because the rat could put his tongue in the way and you could clip it and this could be a disaster.  

Here is the URL for the AEMV (Association for Exotic mammal Veterinarians) which offer a list of board certified vets across the globe.

Hopefully you can find someone near you just to have someone in mind for illnesses etc...

good luck
