Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > recommend a vet

recommend a vet

21 17:22:32

I've read your posts about tumors.  My daughter's female rat is about 2 years old and has developed a mammary tumor, as best I can tell.  Please recommend a vet in my area (zip code 93030).  

If a vet specializing in exotic animals is not available locally, then is it okay to go to an ordinary vet for the surgery or is it too dangerous (i.e. because they lack small surgical instruments).  Please give me an idea what to expect the cost of surgery might be (exotic vs. ordinary vet); just a ballpark figure or cost range.  

Are there any rat medicines available to treat a small tumor that do not require a vet (i.e. via Ebay or local drug store)?

Thank you for the good service you provide rat owners.  I learned a lot reading what you said.

Hi Matt

I just sent someone today to this wonderful Vet, although it is a 90 min. drive for you, it may be very worth it if its for surgery.  

Here is the info.  If you do decide to see her be sure to let her know that I sent you to her!

Dr. Tia Greenberg
Westminster Veterinary Group    
6621 Westminster Blvd.
Westminster CA 92683
Phone:    714-899-1100

Places closer to you:

The vet below is NOT a board certified vet, but is a general vet that sees exotics and has a special interest in exotics.  This means they go the extra mile to keep up to date on exotic care although they did NOT go as far as to take extended courses in exotics or do an exotic vet internship nor did they have to worry about state boards to become an avian/exotic vet.  This doesnt always mean the vet is not good enough to see exotics at all. A vet with a special interest in eoxootics  usually continues their education by attending seminars, workshops, week long conferences etc.....

Dr. Ann Welton
San Rogue Pet Hospital    
3034 State Street
Santa Barbara CA 93105
Phone:    805-682-2647