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my rat is agressive...

21 17:18:19

I have two rats. They have both been perfectly fine for the past months that i have had them. Now all of a sudden the slightly bigger one is getting really aggressive! the smaller one is always screaming and getting pushed. My cage has three levels and the smaller one keeps getting pushed off the edge! I have also notice a few cuts! I have not seen a bleeding one but i notice the dry blood and cut. The only thing i am aloud to do is stuff that i can do by myself with no vet, no treats from a store, nothing that involves spending money. What can i do to stop the aggression? I can't separate them either... i only have 1 cage plus i don't want to separate them.

How old are they? Often, this will pass with age.  Males tend to go through puberty around 8 months old, give or take a few months either way....and their raging hormones tend to cause aggression but they grow out of it. Keep them very busy, plenty of out time when you can.