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Stressed rat

21 17:28:44

Hi, I have a pet rat who is about 4 months old.  We have cats in our house, but keep the rat in my room with the door closed in order to make sure she is safe.  My mom and I left the other night to stay at a friend's house, and during the night sometime one of our cats pushed the door open and knocked our rat's cage over. We came back the next morning and found the cage like this.  Our poor rattie has been very frightened and stressed since... her heart has been beating fast and seems labored, her breathing is fast as well, she hasn't been eating, and seems very subdued compared to her usual self (she's not running around like she normally does and is very still a lot of the time).  It's been about 2 days since the incident happened.  
I'm worried about her... I am afraid she will get so stressed her heart will give out, or something else will happen.  Is there anything that I can do to help her calm down and feel safe again?  We moved her cage to a spot where it's less likely to tip, and are working on getting a lock to keep the cats out.  Do I have a reason to worry about her health?
Thanks so much,

I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you - my toddler and I have had the flu, it's been awful!

If you move slowly and quietly around her and let her relax just by you being yourself (don't handle her more or less than usual), she'll calm down with time. Keep her cage well away from the kitty, and try to reward her with yummy treats. The only time to worry about stress is if she's running around and pinging off of things, and then I would be worried about injury; or if she was very old (which she's young and presumably healthy, so she should be fine). It was just a traumatic spill for her.

I hope everything is well - and again, I'm sorry!