Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Rat died after pyometra spay

Rat died after pyometra spay

21 17:06:29

QUESTION: Hello Sandra,

I wrote a few days ago about a rat who may have had an internal abscess. We went ahead with surgery, and she ended up having pyometra. She made it through surgery okay. However, I noticed after the first day she continued to get worse instead of better. I brought her back into a vet today because she was incredibly lethargic when I came home. They gave her fluids and stuff, but about 30 minutes after we came home, she was gone. I am absolutely devastated.  She just turned 9 months. I kind of want to get a necropsy, but I'm so ticked that I trusted the vets and lost her.  She was absolutely bouncy and energetic the day of before her surgery, and she went from perfectly healthy (minus the lump in her abdomen) to lethargic and dead within days. What the heck happened? I am just so heartbroken I can't stand it.

ANSWER: I can tell you now what killed her. The infection spread into her body and she became septic.  This is a very dangerous surgery already but dealing with a uterus full of pus, one drop is all it takes to spill out into the body cavity and its pretty much a fatal situation. Your rat should have been kept at the vet clinic overnight on heavy duty antibiotics.  I am so sorry for your loss. Who is the vet that did the surgery?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dr. Hughes of All Creatures Animal Clinic in Palm Harbor, FL did the surgery. He didn't give me any antibiotics for after the surgery bc he said the antibiotic injection he gave her two weeks ago should still be in effect. I did ask about antibiotics, though. Ugh, I just feel so awful and guilty.  She was so young and full of life.  She loved everyone she met and gave even strangers snuggles and kisses. I just wish I could have done right by her...

Even though the vets names are listed on AEMV (association of exotic mammal Veterinarians) this doesnt make the vets exotic specialists in any way. I can join if I wanted to join.   Dr.Hughes is not an exotic Vet, but a vet that has an interest in exotics.  I would love to know the name of this magic injection that lasts 2 weeks, because me thinks someone is full of you know what. Pyometra is one nasty deadly infection. She should have been pumped full force before, during and after surgery with some very strong broad spectrum antibiotics.
Do not feel guilty. She would have died from sepsis without the surgery. Her uterus could have burst. You had no choice but to have her spayed, but the vet should have treated her with antibiotics for a few days prior to surgery.
What the name of the injection he used on your sweet girl?