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Rat Absess?

21 17:47:27

My pet rat has had facial swelling by his left eye. It is hard  and has a wound on top of it. We can't get our rat to stop scratching it and he keeps opening the wound. We went to the vet and he gave us tobramycin for his eye and two antibiotics:  enrofloxacin and doxycyc, but he didn't tell us what he thought it was. I was wondering if you knew what it is, what else I can do, and if there's any way I can get him to stop scratching. He's eating fine and is still very playful.

Has anything drained from it? Did the vet press it and extract anything from it? Is there an odor?

It sounds like an abscess and the vet gave the eye medication to avoid bacteria from causing trouble with the eye itself.

I would hold a warm compress on it to see if it comes to a head.