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help about companionship for my rats

21 17:55:24

QUESTION: i got my first rat (female)like around the last week of february or first week of march (of 2007) named Graves and shes really friendly with me. when i got my second rat(also female) serendipity, she was scared and graves used to bite her all the time. so i seperated them. they live in their own cages. i think about putting them together, but the last time i tried (it was about 3 months ago-serendipity is now twice the size of Graves) serendipity now bites graves or ends up peeing on her (while walking over her head). what should i do? do they do this only for a short time?

ANSWER: Hello, Michelle!

Oh the joys of rats! Serendipity sounds as though she is the queen around the cage and  nobody is going to take that crown away from her! She is simply showing her dominance and once she is secure in the fact that she is still the boss, she will stop. Just as long as she doesn't bite her so hard she makes her bleed etc... as they say, "No blood, no foul!"!

How old are they btw??

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QUESTION: they are both around 9 and a half to 10 months or so. and by the way, it looks like they theyre tumbling around in circles and you cant really see too much of whats going on.

ANSWER: Tumbling in circles.  


Well no matter what, its normal and I would not worry unless they never cuddle or groom each other and fight all the time. They will settle down soon..and again, as long as they dont bite each other and make each other bleed etc...its normal for them to act this way.

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QUESTION: what if the bigger rat that wont leave the the smaller one alone is puffing her hair out and the smaller one ends up screeching. is that normal scuffling or should i stop this right away because it seems like the bigger one is hurting the other until i put my hand in the cage and they realize im right there.

Do they sleep together and cuddle or to they spend time doing nothing but fighting?  The puffing of the hair is a sign of anger big time! She is trying to bully the other rat. When the other rat is screeching what is the bigger rat doing to her?
I have two males that are life long  cagemates. Templeton SCREECHES so loud but he is also overly dramatic. He even yells when Bo goes near him. Its annoying. It got to the point that I put a baby monitor in the rat room and the receiver in the bedroom but it comes in handy!

Anyhow, your right to keep them apart and perhaps you should do this:
Let them live in different cages but allow them to get used to each other again. Its possible that the more aggressive rat needs more time to accept the other rat.

Again, do they cuddle and sleep together and groom each other?