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health problem

21 17:45:20

Hi! I have a almost 1 1/2yr old female hairless rat. My regular vet dosen't know alot but she tries to learn and likes rats. My rat has some growths at the base of her tail - one side looks like a black and blue marble under the skin. The other side of her tail is lumpy and red and she onlys apperas to be a little uncomfortable. No movement or bathroom problems. She was treaated with Baytril for 10 days and at first the side like a marble started to get a little better but then resumed to its previous state. My vet is trying to come up with other treatment options, but maybe you could suggest something?? I have pictures I could e-mail if that would be helpful.

Hi Misty

SOunds like she has little abscesses under the skin.  Please send photos to

Also, I would really look for another vet because if she needs put under anesthesia to have these lanced, I would not trust someone that is not qualified to treat rats. I am sure your vet would understand that it is in the best interest to find an exotic vet or someone that sees rats as a special interest.  Here is a website to the Association of Exotic mammal vets. You can search your area for a vet near you.  They do not cost any more than any regular vet and in fact most are regular clinics with one or two vets on staff that have extended their education in exotics. Some places see just exotics which is the place I prefer to go, but there are not many of them.

Meantime, I can help figure out what these lumps are hopefully by seeing the photos I can get an idea.

hang in there
