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pet rat and there urine

21 17:40:46

Do you know if pet rats urine can cause eye burning and eye pain in humans.  My daughter has had pet rats for a couple of years and she has two males I believe.  She cleans the cages maybe every week or so and man do they stick and she will (I've noticed she will leave the the cage droppings for lack of better word in the room) they are not spayed or neutered. she got them from pet store 1 rat just had about 11 babies and ate them all. Gross. she cuddles them often but I don't hold them I have pet them but its been awhile..
Thanks Laurie

The smell might if its really strong; but if its that bad, I suggest bumping up the cage cleaning to twice or three times a week. What type of bedding is she using? The more absorbant a bedding, the better! No pine or cedar, though!

If a rat had babies; it isn't two males. You need to rethink having a male and female in the same cage; as she'll continue to have babies if housed with a male. If she was pregnant when your daughter bought them; be sure the other rat is of the same gender and not opposite!