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constipated rat?

21 17:43:44

QUESTION: my rat star seems to be constipated? she eats normally and i believed she was drinking but just in case offered her some powerade zero to make sure she does since she loves it. she's eaten her endive, bananas, baby food, and her lab blocks. my main concern is that her belly looks almost like she's pregnant. she's always been a chubby girl but not this round. her belly is soft and squishy so it doesn't feel like a normal tumor and she is about...8.5 months old now. this is just very recent maybe yesterday or this morning. she wasn't like this yesterday morning when i let her roam. any help or insight is appreciated. thank you.

ANSWER: Try offering her baby food prunes...see if that helps.

What did her last stool look like? Pasty, dark, regular brown, dry or whitish in color?

Has she ever been sick before and if so what was the diagnosis?
Does she live alone?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: no she doesn't live alone she lives with a girl and neutered boy. i just separated her to better see her stools since it's difficult to know just who pooped what. she has never had illnesses before and is normally very social. she follows me everywhere and knows a lot of tricks and games. the only thing she has ever had wrong was a minor leg sprain and it cleared up quickly with some anti inflammatory and pain meds. and i just started her on some baby food prunes. my main concern was could this possibly megacolon at her age? or is it more likely a case of constipation...? is megacolon possible at 8.5 months?


What kind of rat is she? Color of eyes, color of fur, markings etc....

Megacolon is seen in older rats, yes, but she would be alot worse. You would notice diarrhea with intervals of constipation.

You would also notice she was impacted and would be able to see it,too.
Failure to thrive would also be a huge symptom, which is why I asked about her previous ailments.

How is she today?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: today is the first day i noticed her bloated belly and i handle her every morning so i noticed the difference quite quickly. she is a normal pew rat. i tend to prefer those. and if i go to her cage or call her name she comes right over and readily takes any treat or toy she's given and still plays with her cagemates on the bed. her rectum is clear and looking at her now she seems a bit less bloated though still more than she should be. thank you. i am still going to take her to the vet tomorrow since he is off on mondays but since the prunes helped and her poop looks relatively normal maybe it's diarrhea, though i'd still like to have her checked for tumors that may have caused this. thanks again for your help.

I would take her to the vet too, no doubt. Bloating in the abdomen can also be a sign of heart trouble (cardiomyopathy) although she would have other signs such as rapid heart rate and being tired easily but just a heads up so you know.

It could be anything really, just a simple case of constipation could cause it along with gas, but its better to be safe than sorry.

Please let me know how it goes. I hope the prunes didnt make her go too much!!   If so, a handful of puffed rice or puffed wheat will dry it right up!