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ear infection and lots of pus

21 17:02:36

QUESTION: Exactly one week ago our pet rat suddenly started having trouble walking.  He was wobbly on one side in the back and very nervous- teeth chattering.  We took him to the vet and she said he either fell and had a head injury or maybe a stroke.  Gave him a shot of predisone and he improved over the next 2 days.  Continued giving him predisone drops for 3 days and now every other day. Walking is much improved and he continues to eat and drink normally. On Friday night I noticed some pus in his ear.  I cleaned it and it was awful smelling!  Tonight lots more pus and as I cleaned with a qtip it kept coming and then something long and stringy.  I went to pull it and it appears to keep coming.  After about one centimeter I stopped pulling.  Could it be brain matter?  I will call the vet again but was looking for your advice.  The eye on the same side looks a bit closed.  I don't want him to suffer.  Thank you for any help!

ANSWER: Sounds more like the rat has otitis media, or rather, an inner-middle ear infection rather than being injured or having a stroke. A stroke usually shows other signs, such as weakness with the forelimbs etc....   I am thinking the vet is not really up to par on rat illnesses and perhaps he would NOT have had this pus in his ear had he been given the proper medication like antibiotics. The steroids were the right call for ear infection but of course it needs to be treated for infection as well.  I suggest either tell the vet to read up on ear infections in rats, the signs and symptoms and how to treat it or maybe find a better vet so that your rat doesnt go misdiagnosed again.  Your not getting brain matter out your getting pus, lots of it. The smell is from infection. Poor little rat.  Please go private and let me know who the vet is your going to. If he told you he is an exotics vet, I have to question his credentials.

Here is my website  Please check it out and refer to the page on rat ailments and check out the page on ear infections/head tilt. Rats will be off balance and even have head tilt along with a foul smelling discharge when they have ear infection. You wont see that with a stroke or head trauma.  

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks so much for your response.  The vet confirmed the ear infection and prescribed baytril antibiotics (1 injection while in the office, ear drops once per day, and oral once per day) for 14 days.  We clean the ear twice a day with a dry Q-tip, but the puss still comes.  The long stringy thing (dried puss I suppose) was attached to a blob of puss from deep in his ear.  Last night we were able to pull that blob out so maybe his ear is getting better.  I take him back for a recheck tomorrow.  He is acting much better and has much more balance than before.  He lost 5 ounces of his weight in 1 week (out of 20) so he has some work to build himself back up.  I'm just looking forward to the day when the ear has no puss.  How long should I expect before his ear is clear?  Should I suggest a different (maybe stronger) antibiotic tomorrow?  Thanks again.  P.S. Your website was a great resource.  It made me feel much better about the situation after I read a few pages.

ANSWER: Sounds like things are doing better.  Baytril is a very strong drug and should do the trick.  The good news is your rat is being treated properly and if the head tilt is subsiding, thats good news. The longer the rat has head tilt, the longer it takes to recover as you know.  

Is there still an odor to the discharge in the ear?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: You are the best advice that I get.  Our rat seemed to be on his way to recovery.  Pus was still coming from the ear but not as bad.  On the baytril oral and eardrops.  Nutrical and babyfood fruit and cottage cheese to try to gain some weight.  Tried avacado too but not real found of it.  Then last night a turn for the worse.  Totally lost all balance and just curled up in our daughters hands and slept.  Finally wrapped him in towel and put into cage for the night with thought he wouldn't make it through the night.  He did.  But still can get himself into sitting position for short periods of time but cannot walk - he rolls.  He seems cool to the touch.  Each time I put food into the cage though he tries his best to eat it.  Should I put him down.  I feel as though he is suffering by rolling and not getting his balance but then he tries to eat.  I am heartbroken over what to do.  His will to survive has got to be soo strong.

Thank you so much.  I have an appt. with another exotic vet but can't get in til Friday.

Hmm.....can he use his front paws to grasp food and objects?  This may be a pituitary tumor, sadly.
Please refer to my website right away and go over the symptoms.  Be wary of vets that call themselves exotic vets. Many advertise they see exotics but in no means does this guarantee they are real certified exotic vets. There are only 130 in the world that have this title and have earned it.  Others have a special interest in exotics and some are very good but so many of them are clueless and cause more harm than good.  Your first vet did all he was supposed to do for your rat hoping it was an inner ear infection and the fact he did get better was encouraging. However if it is a pituitary adenoma the steroids can help for a short time but they end up taking a turn for the worst like your rat did.  THey are more common in females but are not unheard of in males.  Please see the info on my site and get back to me right away.