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New Moms nest

21 17:28:21

My rattie gave birth 3 days ago (it was expected) to a litter of 12. The only problem is where she has the babies - I put a cracker box on the bottom floor, but she insisted on pulling it too the top level and making a nest there. I didn't think much of it until after the babies were born - when they start to wander around, could they fall and hurt themselves, or will they be more corridnated by that time? I tried putting the box on the bottom floor yesterday, but Mom ignored the babies and started building a new nest on the top floor, so I just put the box back. If it is dangerous, do you have any suggestions? Also is handling them once a day too often? Mom doesn't seem to mind in the slightest, she just sits on my shoulder and watches, but is it safe for the babies?
Thanks :)

ANSWER: Any way for you to remove the top shelf? This happens often with does and their hammocks, also. I usually recommend just removing the top shelf, or if that isn't possible, putting her in a smaller cage lacking shelves altogether. It can be dangerous for the babies. They begin toddling at 2 weeks when they've barely opened their eyes and really aren't consistently coordinated until 3 weeks. Handling them once a day is fine - provided Mama isn't stressed out.

Good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for getting back so quick :) A few hours after I emailed you, my mom rat woke me up with all the noise she was making - she was renesting on the bottom floor, and had alreay moved three of the babies - I think she realized the box was starting to fall apart, but my worry was she left 3 of the babies downstairs then went to tend to the others upstairs for a bit, possibly a few hours. (they're all alive, and all the babies are downstairs now and the levels taken out)
How long can the babies be away from Mom before they can die from cold, etc.? How long can I handle them for since mom doesn't seem to mind? (I've only been doing it for under 5 minutes since I get worried) Also, I'm worried that after I put them back in the nest, and she doesn't return to them right away, she is ignroing them. She's usually just on a break though so should I worry?
I'm sorry for asking so much, I've just fallen in love with my babies so much and don't want anything to happen to them that can be avoided
Thank you again and again :)

Sounds like she's a good mama! She may just be on the relaxed side, which is fine, as long as she's caring for the babies. Try not to stress her too much by checking on her too often and fussing with her nest, motherhood is fairly instinctual for most rats. Holding the babies for just a few minutes a day is fine right now - they really don't benefit from handling just yet. The time to kick it up and really handle them is when they open their eyes at 2 weeks.. then you can have them out and away from mom for up to an hour and they're just fine.

Right now, mama can be off the nest for 5 to 10 minutes at a time and then pop back on the neck briefly to check on them and then back off again. The beauty of rats is that they nurse several dozen times a day for short periods of time. Sometimes she needs a break and it may look like she's neglecting or ignoring them, but in reality she's probably not and they're probably just fine.. Being a mommy myself, I can only imagine how stressful it is caring for *12* screaming breastfed babies, haha! She's bound to want a vacation occasionally. The time to worry is if they begin to cry continuously, wander out of the nest, or if you pick them up and they feel cold to the touch.

Don't worry! She sounds like a great mama!