Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Rat Emergency

Rat Emergency

21 17:18:24

I know that in the instructions you posted that in the case of an emergency, I should not email you, but the vets are proving themselves to be unhelpful at this time.

My rat has a fleshy cord come out of what looks like a burst tumor or abscess. The wound doesn't look extremely deep, and the bleeding is minimal and has stopped. It's obvious she is in pain, however. It also seems like she is trying to pull whatever this is out of her, but I'm afraid that if she does that, it may hurt her more and she could bleed out. I don't believe it is part of her intestines, because it has an end - The end that is coming out.

I am very, very sorry to bother you. Please respond to me as soon as you can.
Thank you for your time.

~ Cynara

Is there any way to get a photo to me?  I would really need to see it before I could tell what it is. You can attach a photo here after you do a follow up.

It may simply be tissue that you see. It can appear in any size or shape, from long to short, fat or there any pus or any odor at all?  Is she eating and drinking ok?  Where is this located at?