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Lupron amount for pet rat

21 17:06:27

I have an 18 month old unspayed female who has just developed (practically overnight) a small tumor behind her right front arm. I believe it is probably benign because it's very moveable and squishy beneath the skin. Five days ago it felt to be the size of a Smartie candy; today it feels a little bigger and lumpier, almost like a lumpy large green pea.

I've read on your site that you suggest Lupron as an estrogen-reducer that can reduce or eliminate tumors in pet rats. But I can't find information as to how this is administered, or what dose a 400 gram rat would receive.

Would it be adviseable to have the lump removed first, and then Lupron given, or just try with Lupron first? How much should she get?

I don't know if my vet has used this, or would administer it. I don't want this (or other tumors) to get out of control, given she's only 18 months old. She's of good weight and good health otherwise.

And does Tamoxifen only work on malignant tumors? Is it no help to benign ones?

Currently, I am trying the flax seed oil and plain yogurt regimen over the last five days, as I've read that this can also help reduce or even eliminate tumors in both people and animals. I'm not sure if it always works; I started it the day I discovered her tumor, yet it seems to be a bit bigger. Not sure what to think at this point.

Thanks for any help you can provide.


Its a good idea to have the lump removed first before using lupron and of course you are right to assume that lupron is for benign tumors while tamoxifen is for malignant tumors. As far as dosing goes, it is by weight so I cant really give out the dose info. Many vets use it differently, too such as using it once a month to once a week. I prefer lupron depot once per month.  

The yogurt and flax seed oil regimen...I am a skeptic. I wish I wasnt, but I am.  If it is going to work, it would probably make sense to assume it works to prevent them rather than to get rid of them.