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keeping my sick rat comfortable

21 17:58:47

Based on other peoples questions on here, I'm pretty sure that my new baby rat has that respritory infection. Unfortunately, although i did do my research on pet store rats and breeders, there were no breeders in my area and i went to a pet store as a last resort. anyway. other then the occasional sneeze he seemed fine, but tonight i noticed he was listless and breathing heavy. since i know that while antibiotics can help with some of the symptoms it doesn't cure it, i was wondering what else i can do to keep him comfortable. he's only about 3 months old and i can't bear the thought of him dying of suffocation. is it kinder to have him put down?

You can keep him on anti biotics for the rest of his life, thats about it.  Once rats have it, its always there. I would consider getting him a same sex friend. As rats have to live in pairs, and remember that myco isnt infectious. So you wouldnt be passing it on.

Where do you live and I will find a breeder for you.