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possible science fair ideas?

21 16:56:37

Hello, I'm syd and I was wondering if you can help me come up with a high school science fair idea with rats. Right now I do own 5 rats; 3 girls and 2 boys all are the same age and from the same litter. I want to do a project on them to show that they are not bad and to spread the word that they can be wonderful pets and not just lab animals or feeders.

I really appreciate it, Thank You

Without subjecting your rats to the public, you can take photos of them interacting with you.  I usually dont answer these types of questions and focus mainly on rat care and rat illnesses,  but I do like the idea you want to educate people on rats to put their fears at ease.  One thing you may want to remind people is that they are very clean and smart and love people like dogs and cats do.  Also, remind people they do NOT carry germs like so many people think, especially rabies.  Rats are just too small to survive an attack by a rabid animal in order for rabies to even develop and they are NOT natural carriers of the virus. Rats are also not aggressive and would never stalk you and attack you.  See my site, for more info on rats.