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rat in need

21 17:58:14

my one-eyed rat has a head tilt and a drunk-like body and i don't know what wrong. Can you tell me what is wrong?

Well first I would need to know why your rat only has 1 eye, was he born this way or has it been removed for some reason? If he had an infection or tumor in that area before this could be the reason for his head tilt. Generally head tilts are from water in the ear or inner ear infection. It causes their equilibrium to be off so they walk in circles, barrel roll in the bottom of the cage, have a hard time sitting up and climbing ect..

Since I am not there with your rat, and I am also not a vet, I am unable to diagnose him/her from here. No matter what he got the head tilt from, all possibilities require medical attention so I urge you to get him/her to the vet ASAP. Left untreated, and you won't have your rat around for much longer and he/she will suffer in the process.

If you want to get back to me with more details on your rats past health and the reason for him/her having only 1 eye, I might be able to tell you more about the problem, but in all honesty you can't do anything about it from home, only a vet can help you.

I hope I was able to help you a bit, and I wish you luck with your rattie, I'm sure he/she is feeling cruddy so on top of vet care give him/her lots of love and attention and make sure he/she is eating and drinking well. Good luck :)