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little bloody scratch holes on my rat

21 17:40:18

My rat got little bloody holes right under her neck a couple weeks ago. they were very small and didnt seem to bother her, then healed quickly. Now she has slightly bigger, new ones on the sides of her neck and on her back. i put on some pet store healing solution. Her cage is very clean and she gets new bedding, but it seems like mite symptoms. But I have never seen her itch excessively, and she is not bothered by these scratches. ? Worse, could she be scratching out of stress or unhappiness? Im giving her extra play time now.

Sounds related to her diet.  Is she on pet store food such as seed mixes etc? WHat diet is she on daily. This has alot to do with it.

Let me know and we can go from there.  ALso you can put neosporin ointment on the sores to stop infection. Rub it in well and keep her busy from licking or wiping it off for at least a full 5 minutes so it can absorb.  It wont hurt him if he licks it so dont worry about that. :)