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Hawk attacked rats eye

21 17:09:11

I usually let my 4 rats run around outside in a top of a cage. I check on them frequently but today a hawk got one of them:[. I got to it before it was killed but the hawk pecked my rat's eye is still attached but is completely hanging out of the socket. Should I just leave it and let it dry up and fall off? Or is there a danger of infection? Do you think it will still live? She seems to be okay..just shocked

Your rats lucky the hawk wasnt able to carry it off.  Please read my website and refer to the page on warm weather dangers etc...    

Your rat should see a vet, no question about it. The eye needs removed. He will get an infection and not to mention it is also very PAINFUL for anyones eye to be hanging out of the socket, one would assume.

If you need a vet please let me know your location. The only humane thing to do as a pet owner is to have him treated right away.