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Rat lost tooth, other is loose

21 17:19:00

For some reason my rat, Chi, loves to jump out of my arms toward his cage when I walk near it. I noticed one of his eyes looked like it was bruised around the socket and examined further. I found that he had lost a top tooth completely and the other was extremely loose. I'm guess it has to do with the fact that he jumps over large distances, at times even missing the cage and hitting the wall or floor very hard. What can I do? What should I be worried about?

He needs seen by a vet right away.  Chances may be he has a tumor or abscess behind his gums that is causing his tooth loss and the swelling of his eye.  It could be a bad molar too.  If you need a vet please let me know and I would happily give you names of vets in your area once you tell me your location.