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pet rat sick

21 16:56:40

i have a pet rat that was fine then one of her eyes swelled up i took her to the vet she gave me drops to put in the one eye and said she might have a tumor the rat bit me amonth before this happened and now the rat isnt doing well she looks like she is weak and cant move around good she trys to eat but not much can i get rabies from her or is it the tumor behide her eye causing this i think she is going to dye before i could get her back to the vet can you help answer this

Your poor little rat...I'm sorry she is sick.  Is your vet an exotic vet with experience with rats or just a general vet?  It may be an infection in the eye or an infection due to mycoplasma and not a tumor at all.  If so, appropriate antibiotics would help.  

I suggest you find an exotic vet and get a second opinion and get her on antibiotics as soon as possible.

As for rabies, I assume your rat was obtained at a pet store or from a breeder, and there is no chance of her carrying rabies if so.  But even if it is a rat found in the wild (yes, some people do find baby wild rats and raise them as pets), it is still extremely rare to get rabies from wild rats.  Here is a quote from a trusted source:

"Wild rats almost never carry rabies, and there has never been a case of human rabies caused by rat bite in the United States, though such cases have been found very rarely in other countries."

I hope you are able to treat your rat and that it is not a tumor.  Good luck to you and let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.