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my rat wont move

21 17:53:57

I have a female rat (age unknown) that has recently had babies. The babies are still with her and she hasn't had any problems since yesterday. Her body was heaving and she seems like she can't move her back legs. What do I do?

Is she nursing the babies?  You need to check the babies to be sure she is nursing them. Turn them over and check their tummies. You should see  through their transparent skin a white area that is their tummy full of milk better known as "milk bands"  
I would scoop up the babies with mom and head to the vets. Do you have a vet that sees rats?  If not, let me know where your located.
I cant really tell what is wrong just by the fact she stopped moving her back legs. It could be a number of things....the Vet is your best bet. Please keep me posted ok?

Good luck!