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21 17:56:57

How do you bathe a rat?I know you can but I don't know how?Can you tell me?

Hi Adara

For starters, I wanted to say that it is important to note that rats only really need to be bathed in special circumstances. Keeping the cage clean and providing them with a large enough cage that they do not have to be in contact with their "toilet area" and that they sleep and eat a good distance from that area, the rats should keep themselves very clean just by grooming themselves and each other, something they do more than anything else, even eating.

However, you did ask HOW to bathe them so I will give you instructions on the safest way to do it.
Unless your certain your rats are going to LOVE water, its best to bathe them in an area that they cannot get hurt if they jump from your hands. A soapy rat is rather slippery.

A bathtub filled with just a few inches of warm water and a towl on the surface of the tub to help keep the rat from slipping and sliding on the tub surface is the first thing you need to do.
Baby shampoo is your best bet. First, just to see the reaction of the rat, allow her feet to touch the water but do not set her down on the floor of the tub (the towel) continue to hold her in your hand and let her feet touch the water.  Be sure you have a good grip on her, but a gentle grip, avoid squeezing her of course.  Next, as long as she is calm, start to get her body wet, tail area first. Use just a DAB of shampoo so it rinses easily and work it into a lather but avoid her ears and face. Rinse her using a cup.
Be sure to have a big soft towel waiting for her and wrap her in it, gently drying her with another smaller towel.
Let me just say that if she should get scared when you first submerge her feet in the water and she starts to become anxious, stop right away or she could get hurt very badly and stressed out too.  Stress can cause the immune system to weaken and this can lead to illness.  So, unless she likes it and there is no reason to really bathe her, I would discontinue the bath.  Some people have rats that adore water and are even great little swimmer, but that is split right down 50-50....the other half despise it and freak out.

Hope this helps!