Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > URI-Pneumonia


21 17:12:18

Hello there, I have some questions about my little rattie Meryl. First off, she is almost 2 years old now and has always been a healthy rat. Just recently, however, she has had some slight mycro flare ups which were all kept in check with baytril. Well, just a few days ago her flare up elevated to the point of almost reaching pneumonia. I've been treating her with a doxy/baytril combination and her breathing as greatly improved (over the course of 2 days) yet she has lost a lot of weight. Every time I try giving her food she takes it and drops it, or is completely uninterested. When I offer her baby food she takes a few licks, nothing more. I am really afraid her low weight will cause her more stress. How can I make sure she eats enough or spike her appetite? I have baby food, yogurt, treats, lunch meat, ad nutrical. She really is not interested in any of them and if she is she doesn't take much. Should I be concerned or will she pick up after more dosings of the baytril/doxy?

One more thing, I've noticed after I added doxy to the mix she has been a bit more... rambunxious. She's a calm rat by nature so I am a bit thrown off by this. She'll have bouts of energy coupled with still ness. She wants to rush out of her cage and knaw on the bars, this is all out of her character. Are these common signs of doxy side affects or is it something else? I appreciate your feed back! Thank you so much in advance!

Skye and Meryl


It sounds like she may indeed have pneumonia and the good news is, if she is responding within 2 days of treatment (which is exactly how long it should take if the antibiotics are going to work) that means the organism causing the respiratory infection may be related to mycoplasmosis pulmonis.  However, I do have to tell you that something is still very wrong.  Check the bottoms of her feet and her limbs, even her tail and the tip of her tail, and tell me if its pink or blue.  If its blue or purple, or even paler than normal, she is not getting enough oxygen. I fear that because I just now received this email from allexperts your rat may be in worse shape. The behavior you describe (rushing out of her cage and gnawing the bars) is a sign of extreme anxiety. She is in a panic and stressed due to a lack of oxygen.  These signs are also indicative of pneumonia and especially the fact she is not getting enough oxygen and this makes her panic.  Has she been laying with her head hung over the cage shelf or is she seeking the highest part of her cage, perhaps laying on the top of a toy and hanging her head? Is she extending her neck out? Do her sides sink in when she breathes?  The weight loss is also very concerning and is often seen with heart and lung disease, which usually go hand in hand.  Is this her first respiratory infection?

The reason your rat cannot eat is because it takes up too much energy. Its alot of work to chew and swallow and when a rat cannot breathe good, they forfeit food in an attempt to reserve their oxygen. They usually prefer to lick rather than chew, but if her disease has accelerated to the point she cannot even lick comfortably, this is a sign of respiratory distress as well.  I am hoping she is still alive when you get this. If she is, let me know what is going on, the form of treatment used etc.... and if she isnt alive, which I am hoping so much that she is, as I truly do feel so sad every time I read about a rat that passes after reading messages from their owner seeking desperately to find a way to help their baby recover.  Let me know and I will look for your message myself so I you dont hear from me 3 days later. I will check back every few hours for your reply.