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Swollen rat testicle

21 17:15:29

QUESTION: Hi sandra
I have a male rat with a swollen testicle. He is acting normal and looks fine but one of his testicles is swollen and purply blueish. It feels like it is full of fluid. My vet isn't open until tomorrow and I'm wondering what could be the problem? Is this an emergency or will he be ok until the vet opens is there anything i can do?

He just turned one year and he is sorta overweight.

ANSWER: Sounds like he has either a testicular abscess or a testicular tumor. I would pretty much bet its an abscess as this is more common with intact males. He needs neutered right away. Be sure your vet is a vet that has uber experience with small mammal surgery before allowing your rat to have surgery of any kind. If there is any way to get him in tonight to a vet  that has experience with rats, it wouldnt be a bad idea. You  do not want this to burst and cause sepsis. How long has he had the swelling?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I do have a rat vet.
There is no vet I can take him to tonight that knows anything about rats let alone do a neuter tonight. It just started today. Yesterday he looked normal. Would any meds help him till tomorrow? I have doxy baytril and medacam at home right now for my other rats.

ANSWER: Yes that would be good.....start the baytril (not the doxy) and the metacam.  How big is your rat? In grams...

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

He's 639 grams.
It has gotten about 10% bigger since yesterday. l I have an appointment for tomorrow. It feels like there is a small hard lump (not the testicle) and fluid. It appeared so quickly, could a small tumor been there and then cause an abscess over only a day?


Maybe....but I am still betting on it being an abscess. I have seen both though...but because of the way its developing and getting bigger like it is, its probably pus filled.  

How good is your vet with rats?

Meanwhile, the metacam will help alot with the swelling and the baytril will help with infection.   The proper dose for baytril  (many vets underdose rats, fearing due to their size they cannot handle larger doses. Truth is, their metabolic rate burns up the medication and so therefore they should always dose high end dosing when dealing with antibiotics.  

Anyhow, the proper dosage for baytril is as follows:

Baytril dosed: .20cc/lb twice a day for 14 to 30 days depending on the type of infection. Respiratory infection should be treated a full 30 days.

Your rat is closer to 1.5 lbs. therefore,  I would dose him .30 ccs twice a day.

The metacam is once per day and should be given .10 ccs.