Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > pet rat may be dying - brother attacked him. is this normal?

pet rat may be dying - brother attacked him. is this normal?

21 17:27:18

Hello,We are sorry, but Sandra Todd wasn't able to answer your question: He was gasping for breath, is deathly skinny and was unmoving, aside from the slow opening and closing of his mouth like he couldn't breathe at all, and his brother who he sleeps with and has shown no agression towards him in the past, sniffed him and then suddenly attacked him... Jess (dying rat) seemed to jump and squeel. They have always been very affectionate. I held Jess until his breathing seemed to get a little better, but he certainly almost died and I fear may still die very soon. He has had many anti-biotics and I don't think they are the answer anymore.   My question is, is it normal for his brother to react this way (was he trying to put him out of his misery?) or jealous, or, I don't know. But he's never even bitten anyone or thing before, especially his brother.   Also do you have any advise on what I should do about Jess? He keeps trying to wash himself, but is too weak to do so.   Thanks, Francesca

Often rats change behavior when their roommate(s) are suffering; and often it's because they know the other rat is in a weak and/or sickly state and it would be stronger for the colony to kill off that weaker link.

As far as what to do with Jess, other than trying to continue antibiotics and encourage him to eat or drink, I have no other advice.. just... go back to the vet. I'm sorry; I wish I could help more.