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Orphaned Infant Rat

21 17:39:59

I found an orphaned infant rat in my garden the other day and decided to care for him (I am currently a rat owner and have been for 5 years now). The little guy had fur but his eyes weren't open yet for the first two days I had him. Both eyes are open as of yesterday and I'm assuming he's just under 2 weeks old. I placed him in his own cage with warm water bottles under a blanket for warmth. I went to Petco to ask about feeding and they gave me canned Kitten milk for him, which I feed him once every 2-3 hours during the day and once every 4 hours at night using a small syringe. I help him urinate before and after eating by rubbing a warm cloth over his genitals, too. I've recently noticed that his bowel movements are a very deep yellow-orange in color, almost looking a bit like light colored blood, and it is a bit runny when it's not crusted on him. He also does solid poops with the runny poops. Is he sick? Is it the formula I'm giving him? Should I be doing something to help him or just take him to the vet? I really wanna save the little guy if I can and any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Being not only a rat owner and a mom of a 4 month old human baby as well; I'd say its pretty normal. Despite that he's getting some things to break down into solids; his diet is primarily watery; so his stool will be watery too. The only time to worry is if it does in fact end up bloody or if he really has to strain to eliminate. Just be sure you keep him hydrated.. and don't be surprised if this doesn't end well... raising orphans is very difficult and I applaud you on your effort, many people wouldn't even try!

Good luck!