Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > large lump on lower abdomin

large lump on lower abdomin

21 17:10:07

our pet rat has a large lump on her lower abdomen. she is not with any other rats and the lump appeared about 2 weeks was small but seems to be getting you have any idea what it may be or what caused it?

Yes, this is a mammary tumor and needs removed.  Its NOT cancer but can be a problem for her health.  Please put her back with her friends. She is not contagious in any way.

Also please educate yourself on rat care and on mammary tumors and read up on them.  Go to my site, and look over the photos and read up  on the lumps under the topic

Let me know when your done and we need to find a vet for her to get them off.  How old is she?