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Worried about sneezes.

21 17:46:01

Hello Robin. =]

I'm a new rat owner of two hooded dumbo girls for almost a month now. They are so sweet and tame already. I'm worried about the larger of the two, Charlotte. It seems like she's been sneezing since I got her but at first it was just a really dry, small sneeze like "choo". In the past two or so days her sneezes are now very loud and high pitched with what sounds like squeeks with it. But they aren't very often and she acts healthy aside from the occasional (but scary!) sneeze- good weight, healthy appetite, playful, ect.

I have a vet appointment with a very recommended small animal veterinarian Aug. 5th (the soonest they could schedule us) but i was wondering if you could tell me maybe what the sneezing could be? I was using Carefresh ultra as bedding but i noticed when i would change the cage there were little particles stuck everywhere to the bottom. SO then i switched to towels for awhile and now I'm using the Yesterday's News pellets; but Charlotte has sneezed through all of them so am i right in thinking it's not just allergies?

Additional information: Also,Charlotte's stools are bigger than normal for a couple days now but I've been keeping a close eye on her and she drinks a LOT of water and I've cut back on the fresh veggies since I've noticed. Sam, her cagemate hasn't sneezed at all and her droppings are very normal.

Thank you for your time and thoughts. I'm just so worried and I was told by the veterinary assistant that if the symptoms get worse of if I can't stand to wait to give them a call and i could drop her off for emergency care but i wouldn't get one on one time with the vet. Any idea's about what's going on and should i wait until my appointment or take her in early?

Thanks so much, sorry it was long (i really needed to get it out =]),

 Many rats pick up minor respiratory infections from the pet stores they lived in that don't care for them as well as they should.  Respiratory infections are caused by stress, overcrowding, an unclean cage, pine or cedar bedding, and other illness, and it is very common for a rat to have at least a minor one from a pet store environment.  Sometimes the sneezes get worse and lead to other symptoms, sometimes they will just sneeze and that will be all they have.

 It's normal for a rat to sneeze a few times a day, just like a human, but when it is several times in a row, more than a few times a day, or the sneezes are wet (you'll notice little red dots that look like blood in her cage if they are wet), or accompanied by any other symptoms, then it's time to see the vet.  Since you've noticed her sneezes have gotten worse, it is good that you are taking her in for an exam.  She should be just fine until then, unless her symptoms get much worse or she begins wheezing, chirping, or you notice rattling in her lungs, you don't need to take her in on emergency.

 Bigger stools aren't necessarily a problem, unless she is having trouble passing them or they are loose.  Mention it to the vet, just in case.  She may be drinking more water because it is hotter now that it is summer, but it also could be a sign of something else.

 Well I hope everything turns out for your little girl, good luck with your rats!