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Rat Hiccups

21 17:57:10

Hi there
I've just read a post you previously answered about rat hiccups. Having read (on different sites) that the rat is silent when hiccuping, I was relieved that you said the rat can also make a sound accompanying the jerking movement.
One of my boys had what I hope was a hiccuping fit last night - lasted about a minute - but the jerks were about every 3/4 seconds and each one was accompanied by a sort of low-pitched squeak... It did sound like the sort of noise a 'hiccup' would sound like, but it was definitely a pronounced noise, not just a little peep.
He's shown no other signs of a resp. infection, like sneezing/wheezing breath, so I assume it was connected to the jerking movement. But it just sounded a lot more noticeable than other people have described rat hiccups.
What do you think? I'd be really grateful for any thoughts...

If the noise subsides after the "spasms" subside, I would chalk it up to hiccups, but if you continue to hear noises related to his breathing and hear congestion in his chest or nasal passages, it may be more than hiccups and I would consult a vet.

It is surprising how many folks are unaware of the fact rats get hiccups. I think they get confused since rats cannot vomit so they readily assume they cannot hiccup either. But they can and they do...its kind of cute.  I have a baby monitor in the rat room with the receiver in my bedroom. I have two rats that fight more than I like (elderly rescue rat brothers that were abused) so I listen for them to "argue" and if it gets louder than their normal range, I go in to break it up. The poor little guys are grumpy yet love each other most of the time so I just deal with it. Gah!
Every day I have to smile because out of the 6 rats in the rat room (4 males in one cage and the two rescue males in another) and someone always has the hiccups for at least 60 seconds!!)

Hope this helps!
