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Future rat introductions

21 17:44:23


I have spoken to you many times about my pet rats. I recently got a 5 month old castrated male dumbo rat named Simba and introduced him to my 11 month old doe, Wanda. They're best mates after a week or so of introductions...I'm just now in a vicious circle of getting lone rats from rescue centres and then when one days, I have to do it all again!(not that I mind but not good for the lone rat until I find a cage mate)

So I'm looking to the future, Simba is my first male rat...if Wanda dies before him (as she is older but you never know with ratties do you), what do you recommend I do? Could I rescue a pair of females (as Simba is castrated) who  are older or males who are older? I always like to rescue the older ones as no one wants them :( It's upsetting for me as you don't have as long with them but they need a home too.

Obviously I don't like to think that far ahead but I just want to be prepared in advance.

Thanks for any more advice you can give me.

Amanda .

Thats a tough one. I would say females but getting older females that are intact is only asking for mammary tumors and you will again have another cycle of losing rats sooner than later. You can get the males sine Simba is neutered....this would not be a bad idea.  I would go for whatever was available but if you have your pick, males.