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hi miss sandra,

21 17:06:14

my sisters and i have a rat and she got away in the house for 3 days. her name is bijou. we got her from petsmart. she is 6 or 7 weeks old and i that when she went missing my male rat Hanna got to her when we could not find her. so we thank that she is pregnant. we don't know cause she could be just real fat we thought, but her eating has increased and her stomach is big like a weird sharp i cannot describe it.also she have been digging in her cage alot since we found her.she also don't like us picking her up no more now. so is she pregnant. i mean her nipples are real hard and they are sitting out like crazy. please answer me miss Sandra.

She is probably pregnant....the good news is, she may have a small litter.  Keep her in a nice clean cage that has the bar spacing close together, give her nesting materials safe for new babies...

in fact,here is an awsome website to read to find out how to make things really nice for momma rat and her pups!!!