Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > does my Rat have Lice or mites? If so can i treat it or should i take my rat to a vet?

does my Rat have Lice or mites? If so can i treat it or should i take my rat to a vet?

21 17:24:02

Hi, I just got a new 4 moth old rat and i've had her for about a 2 days i've noticed
she has thease little black lice like bugs on her and she keeps scrathching
herself. I know its eateher lice or mites but i wasnt sure whitch. Also should i
bring her to a vet or is there some way i can cure the parasites without bringing
her to a vet?

Yep sounds like mites!!  If your vet will sell you a tube of kitten strength revolution, you can apply it yourself as per her body weight. She would only need a drop between her shoulder blades and this will take care of any external parasites.  You need to have an idea of what she weighs, however, to dose her safely, but usually a 4 month old rat can handle .05ccs of revolution which is half of a tiny drop, basically.